It is with only a slight intake of breath that I can say things are well and truly underway in the garden. The fence is kind of mostly finished. And while I would never presume to think that my talents in the fence building department are honed, I do believe that the completed fence panels "should" keep the overnight feasting by the furry set to a minimum. Maybe.
All four raised beds have been topped up with manure and topsoil and consequently planted in. So far only kale, chard, peas and radish have shown themselves. To be followed at some point soon by beans, beets, spinach and various members of the squash family. With a severe shortage in the rainfall department, watering has become the marker to the end of my day. Hauling water from inside the house (rainbarrels empty added to no faucet outside) in watering cans over and over again gives me time to wonder what kind of a growing season we will have this year. Anyone who has any control over this sort of event, please send rain asap.
For as long as I am allowed to get away with it, I can be found here. Blocking out thoughts of the wood in need of stacking, and foundation work that needs doing.
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