Almost 5 years ago in this very space I started capturing my days in photos and words. My life looked very different then - the little details of which at risk of becoming forgotten were it not for the pages kept here. This blog holds proof of time spent - mostly good with healthy bits of reality thrown in. Because truly that is what makes a well-lived life is it not? I recognize and appreciate the fact that I am lucky to have that as my reality.
It is therefore with a small amount of melancholy that I realize that my presence here is drawing to a close. Like I mentioned, things are different now and this forum no longer fills all that I need it to. There is a new business idea percolating - slowly becoming more real. And one that requires more than a blog can offer.
From now on I can be found here - of field and forest. I will be writing there much like I have been here. Likely with less of the small-child raising bits and more of the small-business raising ones. :-)
I hope you will join me.
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